AMPRO Pro Gel Impact Master Coach Trainers Set
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Ampro Gel Impact Master Coach Set. This set includes the UK best selling Gel Impact Body Protector, along with the Gel Impact Coach Pads and Zero Impact Coach Wheel, helping to save coaches wrists and ribs one blow at time. Set includes:
Pro Gel Body Protector the most comfortable, protective and anatomically correct coaches guard available. Almost 3" of contoured multilayer special cell padding for shock absorbance with more than 1/2" encased Pro Gel target areas for further shock absorbency against Jab's and Hooks
Contoured curved hook and jab pads that allow the coach to catch the punch. Foam padding with a Gel lining in the back of the pads, on the inside grip ball, front and back side of wrist guard and on the face centre target spot for shock absorbency and dispersion.
Zero Impact Coach Wheel, the pad absorb's impact while offering resistance for a better feel. This thick jumbo cushioned punch gong is complete with extra thick, padded reinforced, riveted side handles crafted to take a pounding and come back for more. Ideal for alleviating stress on trainer’s wrists, elbows and shoulders
RRP £274.99 with 16" wheel, now only £240.00
RRP £269.99 with 14" wheel, now only £235.00
RRP £264.99 with 12.5" wheel now only £230.00